New Year 2019

It’s been a little while since last posting so just a brief update and some photos from the past month in Europe.  After leaving Colorado we headed to Europe to continue on with the World Cup races with the first being in Val d’Isere, France.   On the way I stopped off to pick up some new gear from Volkl Marker Dalbello which was greatly appreciated.  The race at Val d’Isere had tricky conditions with heavy snow falling and quite bumpy.  Had some good turns but over skied a few places.

Val d’Isere
Val d’Isere Finish area

From France we headed on down to Italy with a brief stop in Milan before heading to the next race at Alta Badia in the beautiful Dolomites.  Had some excellent training conditions with perfect weather. I was much happier with my skiing in the race but not quite there for a second run.

Alta BAdia

From Alta Badia, Italy it was a quick trip back to base in Austria before flying home to New Zealand for a bit of a break over Christmas before the next set of races.  Hope everyone has had a great Christmas and wishing you all the best in 2019.

2014 NZ Season Underway

It’s been awhile – had a tiny break from the Ski Life after Europe and the past two months I have been concentrating on fitness with the start of on-snow training a little delayed due to lack of snow but it’s all go now.  All sorts of crazy weather but we have finally had a good cold spell and even though a bit dry, Coronet Peak and their 212 snow guns have been super busy making snow so the start of our training season has been awesome. Home base is always a great place to train and it’s working well with all the National team members together.

Wakatipu Basin

Wakatipu Basin on way to Coronet

Training has been going really well with early starts, on snow at 7.30am – which has been a little dark. The snow is finally falling today!  Always thinking of my sponsors and supporters who have contributed so much towards allowing me to continue to follow my dream – thanks again Team, truly value your continued support.  Now wearing the awesome clothing and gear from Merrell and Patagonia and getting our way through many a healthy One Square Meals!

The Team

The Team

We have been fitting in two sessions each day, sometimes a block of slalom and then giant slalom or a double block of either. Then maybe a gym session in the afternoon. Today, with snow falling we had our first super g session followed by GS – after the fresh snowfall overnight there was some slipping to do but was still a good day.


merrell             prod_oct_choc              Patagonia team